Limited Power History

Name: Stoneage
Price: 300 xats
Quantity: 19500

 Information: Stoneage was unlimited in the store for 24 hours. Users could buy as many as they want. After one hour, over 6,000 stoneage were bought. Eventually, people had enough of stoneage, as users had at least 50 – 100 each. After the power went limited, everyone tried to sell. It was a bit of a success at first, as it was 290 – 310 xats. But by the next day, the power had already dropped down to 150 – 170 xats. It is now raising slowly, as it cannot drop any more.

Name: Flower
Price: 275 xats
Quantity: 4000 – 6000

Information: Flower was supposed to be at first unlimited in the stores, for 275 xats each. It was unlimited
for about a week, until xat had decided it was limited. Everyone then started to buy, because they were
afraid they would miss out on profit after it rose. It then became 900 – 1000. Now, people are still buying
high, and it has reached between 1700 – 2000 xats.

Name: Candy
Price: 300 xats
Quantity: 7000

Information: 3,500 candys were released, with another 3,500 being released a couple of hours later on. Candy wasn’t very popular, as it was only 400 – 450 after the first set released. After the second set, it was dropping to 300 – 350. However, someone bought between 700 – 900 candys and it eventually became a certain interest, as it also managed to reach from 400 – 450 to 650 – 700. It tends to drop up and down a little every fortnight, but stays at 450 – 550 mainly.


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