Become a member of staff at AishaSites

Some people have been asking me how to become mod or owner on AishaSites. This article will explain to you how…

To become an owner…

  • You must be active at ALL times when entering the chat. If you are away, you must always state ‘BRB’ in your name.
  • If you have already been an owner on the previous chat (CpBoys)  and was a trusted, excellent mod, your position will also be granted on this chat.
  • Follow ALL the rules with no complaints whatsoever.
  • You must be able to take screenshots, know all of the rules, and show respect to everyone at the chat, especially main owners at ALL times.
  • Be a good hand at the chatroom. If anybody needs help, you must always be ready to require them a helping hand.
  • If you were a mod, you must wait a few weeks and show that you’re able to earn Owner.
  • You must also have tempmod if you would like to be perm owner. This is so if we have a lack of staff, an owner is able to temp if they are busy or not able to achieve a certain task.

To become a Moderator

  • You must be an author or part of the AishaSites blog. (Including commenting on posts, etc)
  • Be active every day, and be respectful to everyone on the chat, especially the owners and main owners.
  • You must NOT break a single rule. If you have been banned at least once, you may never be granted the mod posititon.
  • You must have tempmem if you are to be considered a perm mod.
  • If you have been mod on CpBoys before and you were a good one, you will get mod on AishaSites.
  • You must be able to take screenshots, and send sufficent proof to the owners and main owners.

Mod and Owner Rules

1) You must follow ALL of the rules at ALL time. If you are caught “trying” or breaking one of the rules, you will lose your position straight away.

2) When banning and kicking, you must always state a reasonable and sufficent reason.

3) You must be active at all times, or put in your name ‘AFK’ or ‘BRB’ when you are unable to attend full provisional service.

4) If someone accuses of another of breaking a rule, you must ALWAYS ask them to show you a screenshot. Do NOT ban otherwise.

5) Fake screenshots are not tolerated. If someone you hate / don’t get along with comes on the chat, you must give them the full amount of authority as another user.

6) If you are unsure whether the screenshot deserves a ban, DON’T do it. Give it to an owner or main owner to decide. If you are caught taking the situation yourself, you will be demoted for that.

7) You must not ask for a higher rank than you are. If you have done a good job with the posititon you’ve already had, you may be promoted.

8) NOBODY else is allowed to get Main Owner except for: Aisha (89694323) and Base (164720140)

9) These rules can change at any time with no warning. These rules are also not limited, and some will state for ANYBODY that enters the chatroom.



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