Primal Carnage-The Game

  • Primal Carnage is a ground breaking, innovative game, based on survival in hostile environments. Team based, class driven, all out survival combat, pushes Primal Carnage to the extremes of multiplayer, online games.

The site:

This game will be a truly epic dinosaur game in history! Nearly every shooting game is based in war e.g Call of Duty. I truly love CoD but don’t you want something different? What games do you see where you can play as a Dinosaur? What game can you go round a island killing lethal Utahraptors? I can only think of Turok, but you can’t play as a Dinosaur. The same with ‘Jurassic: The Hunted’, the game is truly bad, you can’t play as a Dinosaur and the Dinosaur’s behaviour is very un-realistic! Do you want a game where you can be a Dinosaur or  Human and Free roam on a island roamed by the Incredible Beasts? Well, you’re luck is here:  . Join the Forums, Give them support, Share  this with other people like i did and most of all, Donate! You’re Donation goes towards Software, Advertising, Keep the game & site up, To equal the team’s technology so they can work equally and Sell the game!

You can play as 4 Dinosaurs and a Pterosaur:

  • Tyrannosaurs Rex
  • Utahraptor
  • Dilophosaurus
  • Pternadon
  • Compsognathus

More may be added in the future before the release! These are the Human classes and also could be changed:

  • The Scientist-Sniper class
  • The Trapper-Controller Class
  • The Commando- Heavy class
  • The Pathfinder-Utility Class
  • The Firestarter-Defence Class

Donate here:

If you donate the minimun of $5 you get:

  • Special recognition label, signature for the forum that can be used anywhere you like.
  • A special avatar.
  • They’re gratitude!

If you donate the minimum of $10 you get:

  • Special recognition label, signature for the forum that can be used anywhere you like.
  • A special avatar.
  • A special mention on the donate page.
  • They’re gratitude!

If you donate the minimum of $20 you get:

  • Special recognition label, signature for the forum that can be used anywhere you like.
  • A special avatar
  • A special mention on the donate page.
  • Automatic inclusion to the closed BETA.
  • A digital copy of the final Primal Carnage released game.
  • They’re gratitude!

Get donating today to help Primal Carnage get released on all consoles e.g PC, PS3, Xbox360, Wii etc! It’s worth your money because the things you get after donating are amazing. I shall get this game on PS3 when it gets released, please note this game has AMAZING graphics, for proof, watch these trailer’s:

This is the trailer for the game. Please note that their is grass because This is not set in the Dinosaur peroid, it is set on a Island.

This is a gameplay video, T-rex vs Spinosaurus! Amazing graphics.

This video is the actual Alpha Gameplay, Note: This is not the final Multiplayer gameplay, this is only the testing!

Please donate, support and advertise as much as you can for such a Brilliant game! This is the only game you can play as a dinosaur and feel Call of Duty gameplay at the same time. The graphics and enviroment are amazing, the game should be out Mid-Late 2011!

Thank you once again for helping, my thanks…

~Koopa Troppa

Cadence Appearence and Stage!

Hey everyone! Many Penguins have been asking: ‘Wheres Cadence’, ‘Turn Purple for Candence’. People have been Claiming to have her Autographed Background, These are all Lies. You are Un-able to get the Background from Clubpenguin’s well known DJ. Hold your Flippers Guys, Because the Penguin Play Awards 2010 is coming and you will be able to meet Cadence, Gary, Aunt Arctic, Member of Penguin Band. I no Cadence isnt coming ebcause i asked Club Penguin on the Phone, If you havent seen Cadence,  Here she is:

Cadence and Penguin Band are my Favorite Mascots! As i was Speaking about the Penguin Play Awards, Maybe a new Famous Penguin May come? Rockhopper, Rory, Rookie or even JetPack Guy! Many have asked: ‘Whats the Penguin Play Awards’. Well its when all the Stage Plays enter a Big Contest! All of the Feathered Penguins will vote for there Favorite Play, And whoever wins gets the Golden Award!

Also have you checked the newspaper? It has a Sneek Peak of the New Stage Play:  ‘Secrets of the Bamboo Forest’. Wonder what the items will be? It comes on Febuary the 12th on Friday.  Also i forgot to mention, The changes in the Nightclub will stay Forever! For now…

Waddle On! ~ Koopa Troppa

Mine and a Underwater Suprise!

Hey everyone, Waddle down to the mine and pick up a Helmet because we have a expedition to do! Go through the tunnel and Drill! Heres a pciture:

Drill in 4 different places in the mud for 10seconds and you will find a part of the Event Pin! heres what it looks like:

When you got the Event Pin the boulder will move at the top of right to make a entrance of a Hidden Lake, It has a item for 50coins inside but Members Only!  This is 1 of my favorite rooms, Can you see the broken Aqua Grabber? Heres a picture:

Theres a little Water Tunnel at Bottom Right what will lead into a Members Only Room, You can get a Free Background if you click on the paper on the sea bottom, Heres a picture:

Cool huh? Well thats all the rooms for this Event, Chec kthem out if you havent because they realyl are Awesome, remember to get all 4 Free items if   your a member and 2 if your a Non-Member! Well thats all for now..

Waddle On! ~ Koopa Troppa

Koopa Troppa!

Hey guys im ‘Koopa Troppa’ from Unite Clubpenguin Gang and im very Happy to join here! Ill be posting nearly every 2days to make this place active again, I will always put my signature at bottom so read carefully ;). Heres a pciture of me from ‘Clubpenguin’:

Well thats me! If you want to see me on club penguin call me: Koopa, Koop or Koopa Troop. Koopa Troppa does not  show, Im always happy to add yyou, If i delete you im sorry because everyone asks to add them because of my name. Well thats all for now…

Waddle On! ~ Koopa Troppa