Hai! It’s Mmdance

Yep I don’t post like ever xD
But since I never make CPMVs anymore, I just thought that since I made one- I’ll post it! lol so please watch =)



I haven’t posted yet.. haha so this is my first post on this site πŸ™‚

Since I’m new I’ll tell you some facts about me! πŸ˜€

1) I make videos. My Youtube is MmdanceCP

2) I was an author on CPTV before it was hacked and closed πŸ™‚

3) I am Heatblast227’s girlfriend, xD So yes I am taken!

4) I love posting on WordPress!

5) My best friend is Clubzipper πŸ™‚

Alrighty! That was some random facts (:
I also made a new header for this blog so tell me if you like πŸ˜€
I’ll be doing alot of editing work sooo keep checking back! πŸ™‚
