More Information about Spaceban…

We’ve collected some more Information about the new limited power, Spaceban.

Here’s what we learned from before:

  • Spaceban will have a similar release to the Snakeban power. 1,000 will be released later on this week, but more will be sold for the next 24 hours. (Unlike Snakeban, that became unlimited a week later)
  • We don’t know the price yet, sadly. Me, however (Aisha) predicts that the power will cost 1,000 xats like Snakeban did.
  • Spaceban will most likely have the same effects as Snakeban (Having to complete a game in order to get yourself unbanned)
  • The power will be limited forever.

Now, here’s what we know now…

  • Testing has already begun! You can win yourself a test power by entering Courage’s Background Contest, (See xat’s twitter on the right hand side of the blog)
  • We now have a picture of the power: (Shown below)

Are you going to get yourself the Spaceban power? This power will be limited just like Snakeban, but won’t be unlimited. However, there are some warnings specially from Aisha.

  • If you have missed your chance in getting the 1,000 set release, DO NOT WORRY! More will release next week.
  • If you managed to get 10 or more of the Spaceban power this week, MAKE SURE YOU SELL IT BEFORE THE NEXT RELEASE! The next set will be unlimited in the stores for 24 hours, just like Stoneage. Here’s a recap on Stoneage…
  • Stoneage was unlimited in the stores for 24 hours at 300 xats each. Many people bought 50-150 each because they thought they could profit. After 2 hours, 7,000 were bought, usually how many rares like Unwell get released. After the release, everyone tried to sell all their Stoneage, and nobody wanted to buy because they knew that the power would drop. It then became and stopped at 150-180 xats. Therefore, if someone bought 1 stoneage, they’d lost at least 120 xats.
  • Volunteers may be sneaky when trying to sell test powers, because they like selling between 1,500 – 3,500 xats at least so they can get the power when it’s released, and profit 2k. Usually, people on Trade buy the power between 500 – 1,500 xats just in case, but don’t go over 2k.

I apologise for all the Information, but if you have any more questions or comments about this power, post your quote here!