Spaceban new power!

The new power that will be released later on this week is the Limited power, Spaceban!

Now, don’t get yourself confused with snakeban. We don’t know much about this power yet, other than 1,000 will be released later this week, and there will be more releasing next week.

Testing will begin possibly tomorrow or in a couple of days time. If you REALLY want the power before the release, you can buy it off testers / volunteers that are selling it on Trade, but there are some restrictions to that…

  • The prices that testers are selling the power for will most likely be between 2000 – 6000 xats.
  • If you decide to buy that power now, and it gets released, you will most likely lose alot of xats. Rare powers that release are usually no more than 1,o00 xats in store.
  • People on Trade usually try and buy test powers between 500 – 2,500 to avoid being scammed or ripped off.
  • You can NOT get a test power from someone without giving anything back. You may get torched for that.

When 1,000 Snakeban released for the week before it became unlimited, it was 1,000 xats in the store. After that, Snakeban became 1100 – 1300 xats on Trade. Eventually, it became 950 – 1050 as people knew there’s no point in buying the power. Spaceban is going to be limited forever. Will the same thing happen?

Comment about what you think of the Spaceban power!

(Pictures will be uploaded in a couple of days time, as well as more updates on this power)

NOTE: You can see xat’s twitter that we put on the right hand side of the blog, to make things MUCH easier!