Stoneage Released!

I had inspired the Admins to make Stoneage release like it had, but it was not what I totally ‘predicted’ it to be.

Stoneage has been released for 300 xats! It will be un-limited in the stores for exactly 24 hours. People can buy as many as they would like. The power released at 2PM GBT Time On Friday 8th July 2011.

Xat Admins will be trolling you, as some can buy so many of the power, and if it were to ‘profit’, they would make literally million profit. Here’s an example.

Stoneage = 300 xats in store
????? = 700k = 700,000 divide = 2333.3 (Infinite decimal)
Stoneage = 500 – 600 xats < (EXAMPLE)
= 600 x 2333 = 1399000
Profit = 699,800 xats.

So in conclusion, there is a good understandable reason that xat are doing this. Here is a picture of what the Stoneage release looked like:

The smileys for this power are:

(caveman) (dino) (cavewoman) (cavework) (cavebeard) (caveclothes) (torch) (spear) (cavehair) (boneswing) (wallart) (stickfire) (cavebeard2)

These are the main things to remember…

  • This power will only be available in the store for 24 hours. Afterwards it will become Limited.
  • Do NOT buy too many of this power. Since anyone can buy as many as they wish, they need to remember that the power is likely to go DOWN!

You can also send a Stoneage kiss smiley, but you need the power to do so!


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