More about AishaSites…

Hey guys,

The Background contest is still going, until the 1st July (Upcoming Friday), and when it’s finished, the chat will be Officially open! In the chat, we hope to achieve…

  • More authors, who are willing to post about xat and CP.
  • Promotion… (This will help tell people that our chat is open) and the chat will soon be busy without promotion!
  • More contests such as these, (maybe once a month)

Everyone will be a member at first, but if it gets popular every day, the chat will reset and everybody will start as a guest. This is ensure that people DO deserve member. IF, and IF, you deserve member and you are granted that position, you will recieve temp-mod daily.

If you would like to know how to be a mod or owner, you may look on the page ‘Become a member of staff’. There also are rules applied for staff! (members don’t need to entierly follow as they are not as such staff)

Please remember…

  • If the chat ever needed to reset, and you have not been given your position back, It’s usually NOT our fault.
  • We do not accept payments for positions unless neccesary,
  • If you have been a member of staff on CpBoys, do not expect to get the same position here. WE ARE DIFFERENT CHATS!
  • We have put everything in place, and we will continue updating for the next few weeks!

Hopefully in the late summers, AishaSites will be an entertainment / help site and blog where everyone will know of and come and visit.

We hope you’ll be one of them!

Take care 😉

(If you have any quotes please comment)


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