Background contest closed soon!

Hurry and send in your background entries if you would like to enter the contest, as it may close this friday! (1st July)

All the information will be on the ‘Background Contest’ post, and if you have any information you can find me on Trade, Jmann93shangout, Help, Promoted Chats, AishaSites, or xatchats.

I hope to see all of your entires. 😉

More about AishaSites…

Hey guys,

The Background contest is still going, until the 1st July (Upcoming Friday), and when it’s finished, the chat will be Officially open! In the chat, we hope to achieve…

  • More authors, who are willing to post about xat and CP.
  • Promotion… (This will help tell people that our chat is open) and the chat will soon be busy without promotion!
  • More contests such as these, (maybe once a month)

Everyone will be a member at first, but if it gets popular every day, the chat will reset and everybody will start as a guest. This is ensure that people DO deserve member. IF, and IF, you deserve member and you are granted that position, you will recieve temp-mod daily.

If you would like to know how to be a mod or owner, you may look on the page ‘Become a member of staff’. There also are rules applied for staff! (members don’t need to entierly follow as they are not as such staff)

Please remember…

  • If the chat ever needed to reset, and you have not been given your position back, It’s usually NOT our fault.
  • We do not accept payments for positions unless neccesary,
  • If you have been a member of staff on CpBoys, do not expect to get the same position here. WE ARE DIFFERENT CHATS!
  • We have put everything in place, and we will continue updating for the next few weeks!

Hopefully in the late summers, AishaSites will be an entertainment / help site and blog where everyone will know of and come and visit.

We hope you’ll be one of them!

Take care 😉

(If you have any quotes please comment)


SnakeBan Released!

Snakeban had released into the store for 1,000 xats at 5.30PM GBT Time. 1,000 SnakeBan powers came into the store. Please read the description below, to help you NOT lose profit:


If you decide to buy snakeban now, you have to be careful about when you’re going to sell it, as you’re going to lose a whole bunch of xats…

Like said on the previous post, SnakeBan is a power that is like mute. If somebody snakebans you, which will be like (I have banned Aisha for 0.5 hours), you will have a little Snake next to your pawn. You must THEN beat the snake in a game.

The games may be something like, “Get to this thing in a certain time”. Once you have beaten the snake, you can be un-banned. Otherwise, you stay banned.

When this power becomes un-limited, information will be posted, such as the price.

Once again, use logic and remember it will go DOWN!

Background Contest!


You know I like looking and buying the best backgrounds, right? Well, this time, I’m going to do a contest for it, so you can ALL enter me a background.

I opened a new chat, ‘AishaSites’, and I am looking for an outer and inner background. YOUR task, is to make me both, an inner and an outer.

The inner must suit the outer. If one is different from the other, you won’t have a very good chance of winning.

However, there are some certain rules…

  • You must use this as the background template:
  • You must NOT copy any idea from any background that’s made already. You must be creative and use your own ideas.
  • You are allowed to post as many entries as you’d like.
  • The inner background must also suit the outer.
  • If you are working in a team, you must inform me.
  • The chat must include a xat logo, the slogan ‘The only blog to post both, xat AND cp’, and must have AishaSites on the bottom of the chat.

The prizes will be… Note: The prizes have changed as I have been getting outers only.

1st prize……500 xats!

2nd prize….. 300 xats!

3rd prize….. owner on AishaSites!

Note: This is my first ever contest. If this is a success, I will hold future contests will more better prizes! Entries must be posted by July 1st, where ALL entries will be closed! If you have any questions or concerns, please type /f89694323

Good luck!

Next power… Snakeban!

The next power will be Snakeban!

This power is similar to mute, where you will get something called ‘Snakeban’. It will be like this:

I have snakebanned Aisha for 0.5 hours

You will then have a little snake next to your name. You must THEN beat the snake in a game. Once you have beaten the snake, you will become un-banned. Testing the power has already begun, and the power should be released soon. It’s most likely not limited.

More information will be posted, such as the price, when it’s been released.

Space Power Released!

Have you ever wanted to travel out in space?

The Space Power has been released, for 300 xats!

10 themed space smileys come along with the power, which are: (eclipse) (meteorite) (nasa) (radiotele) (rocket) (satellite) (saucer) (shuttle) (space) (telescope)

NOTE: The space power also comes with 2 additional space pawns

For the Rocket type(hat#hr) and for the Satellite:(hat#ht).


so get yours now at !

Power 133

The next power will be Power (133)

We don’t know anything about this power yet, but we’ll find out soon.

Some volunteers and testers have already begun testing this power.

Information will be updated when we know more about the power.

Chat, Background, Blog, Everything coming by August!

So you now all know that I’ve re-opened this blog, and the posts will from now on be about xat related topics, but that’s NOT all…

This is what you’re going to see in the next couple of months…

  • A new chat that will be linked with the blog. Promotion may happen once every few weeks, to let everyone know about the new chat.
  • Better, Pro FLIX backgrounds for the chat, hopefully will be a busy chat like xatblogs was, etc.
  • Eventually, there’ll be contests for everyone to participate in!
  • More authors… (some can even be trade and help staff!)

If you would like to design a background for the chat, please comment, you may even be paid, depending on how good it is! If you have a good idea for the chat name, please let me know, it’ll help.

I’ll see who has the best name by June 29th. If nobody has suggested anything, I’ll think of one by default.

Good luck!

Note: Winner may get 200 xats, so just in case, please leave your ID name.

New posts… new authors!

In the past years, I have been doing posts about Club Penguin related subjects.

Now I have moved on.

I am now going to be posting about xat related things, and some CP things as well, depending on what it is.

Topics will have:

. Updated Fair Trading Guide

. Posts made by Trade and Help staff, including myself.

. Pictures

. Power informations and releases

. More!

If you would like to  be an author, please type /f89694323 and talk to me in PC.

My ID is:

Aisha (89694323)

I’ll be glad to have you join! (: