
Hey guys

It’s christmas coming soon and I bet you all know what you’re wanting for… 😛 I know what I want and I’m getting the one I want most ;D Anyway, I was wondering what you might be getting for christmas, or what you want even. Also, what things would you like on the blog for next year’s 2010. It’s hopefully gonna be epic, but not without your help.

Also, you guys might have noticed that Rockhopper had arrived on the island.

Q: How can I get the background from Rockhopper?
A: This can be done so by two ways:
. Try the hard way, and find Rockhopper yourself (that is, if you're
 a really big fan of him. However, there is a much easier way, if you 
want to take the risk of being banned forever. I highly reccomend 
that you do this so, because I have not been banned from this. If you
see stuff like Rockhopper Trackers, don't bother. They don't work. I
don't think that they're scams, but they are useless... I tried.

Q: How did the Friendship Braclet come out?
A: The answer to that will be in the memory book. This can be found
at the Club Penguin library. Search 2006 - 2007. Someone had 
come onto the Migrator in March 2007, and had recieved a friendship
bracelet. Ever since then, you could find that item in the book, and
it will never go, so feel free to grab it whenever you want. ;)

Q: I can't find Rockhopper!!! Why?
A: Rockhopper tends to change to different servers alot. I presume,
that he goes on the busiest servers. e.g. Abominable, Sleet, Yeti 
etc... but on the weekends, I can definetley say I am clueless there,
haha, but keep looking, and never give up, otherwise, cheat and 
patch the Background (If you get it when Rockhoper goes, you may get

So what are you getting for Christmas? Here is what someone said :

I'm gonna get a new phone, a camera with awesome recording & picture,
and a new laptop next week & also sims 3.

What are you getting for Christmas? Comment here!

Until then… Goodbye Fools! 😛

P.S. Stay tuned for the new Christmas Poll, please answer because I need your opinions! (If you participate, you get a free sub! Just comment your YouTube link and your name and we’ll sub you!)

Results will be announced on Friday 25th December & The poll will arrive hopefully on Tuesday 15th December… So vote!