Xat =D

Hey guys!!

I updated my Xat name completley! I bought myself Xats and got some powers so I’ll be going on there more now xD try and catch me. I’ll be on at the moment as “Aisha.Rocks.Your.Socks” and you will see my powers =P

If you wanna meet me you’ll normally find me on – Xat.com/CpBoys

Hope we can talk here! 🙂

Updation for November

Hey guys.

Every month there will be a new update coming onto the blog. This month has been done.

Check on the right side of the blog and see what we replaced the poll with. (there was something wrong, making people unable to vote).

Why don’t you check out there sometime? Comment what you think!

(If the chat doesn’t work, email us. The e-mail that you need will be on “support”)

New video!

Heya! Here is my new CPMV!

I’ve been working on it for like 1 week and a half =]



-PiNKY x3


Hey guys!

I understand that you’re having trouble with the poll like I did. I did come up with a solution but I’m not sure if you guys managed to read it so here goes.

I am going to make a new poll. When the poll is done, please do the following –

. Comment on the post what one you are voting for (if you do not comment what one you are voting for then your comment will not count. Only votes commented here will be the comments that count.)

When the poll is over, someone will check over the votes and the results will be posted on the blog by Friday 27th November 2009

There can only be one winner… maybe there will be a tie!!

Competition ends next Friday, and I will check the blog every day to see how the Poll competition goes. I will write the poll results down as well.

So what are you waiting for? Get Voting! 😀

Read here if you would like to know the latest news

You guys might want to know why I haven’t been posting on the blog as much as I would normally do. It’s not that I don’t want to post on here anymore because that’s not true! This is what…

I was thinking of maybe making a kinda complicated website, (not like those websites like piczo). First of all, I was thinking of doing a little “Club Penguin Wikipedia” maybe that’s not a bad idea, but I was also thinking of including something else.

So what was I thinking?

I might do a few pages of “Club Penguin News” about what happens (clothing catalogs, general, etc.) Here is an example. Here is a little newspaper article about what had happened. (the design I would like to achieve, the description, etc…)


Club Penguin Sports Catalog                                                                                                                  Friday 20th November 09


As winter is coming nearer, so is the winter catalogs, and the snow and sports catalog for November is appearing next Friday, in the Sports Shop next to the Ski Village.

We obviously know that the theme is going to be winter. Here’s a little fact for you all. The sports catalog comes every 4 months, unlike the clothing catalog, which comes every month.

Well, the way that I check what the theme is by checking the “What’s new” on the newspaper that is delivered to all penguins every Thursday. There’s another event that is happening. The Ice Rink is coming back, like it did last year. Then it said that they were going to do a “Hockey Theme” to celebrate the ice rink’s appearence.

Here is what Tina said about what she thinks of the snow and sports catalog –

“I can’t wait for the Snow and Sports catalog. The theme sounds really interesting, and the Ice Rink always comes back, but I’m wondering what the Catalog is going to be.”

What do you think? Do you think the grey Ice Skates are going to make another appearence? Will it become a member item and still be rare for non members? Comment what you think!


What do you think? Describes enough? Many interesting things happen in Club Penguin, so hey, maybe I can add that if I make my website. Sounds like hard work though =P

I might add a news article on a seperate page on the wordpress blog, newspaper articles starting this evening, so tell us what you think!



Hai! It’s Mmdance

Yep I don’t post like ever xD
But since I never make CPMVs anymore, I just thought that since I made one- I’ll post it! lol so please watch =)


I’m sorry..

I deleted my youtube [[coffeecupkitten]] because I’ve quit. LOL.. i’ll still be on here, but not much. I will NOT be having my Thanksgiving Feast though. Sorry. 🙂

Hey there!

Hey, haven’t posted in a while! Well this is just an update letting you know that i WILL have a video coming out soon (:

Probably this weekend…I haven’t made any for a while because i have been having some problems with Power Director ): But its all fixed now so 😀

Also…I get to start my science project tomorrow! Hehe, It’s about french fries(: YUMM!

When I finish my experiment i get to eat it! =D I’ll show you guys some pics when i do finish it…

So keep an eye out and ENJOY the rest of this blog!

-PiNKY x3

Blog Poll #02

teeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteehee teeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteeheeteehee

Hey Guys !!

Rofl I apologise for those blushy faces. I have finally made my second poll!! It did not come out as I had expected so please do the following to vote –

. Think about what one you want to win

. Comment here what one you’re voting for!

Giggly woo won this week with “16 Votes” and had a total of “41” votes!!

Competition ends next Wednesday, so have fun voting!!




I haven’t posted yet.. haha so this is my first post on this site 🙂

Since I’m new I’ll tell you some facts about me! 😀

1) I make videos. My Youtube is MmdanceCP

2) I was an author on CPTV before it was hacked and closed 🙂

3) I am Heatblast227’s girlfriend, xD So yes I am taken!

4) I love posting on WordPress!

5) My best friend is Clubzipper 🙂

Alrighty! That was some random facts (:
I also made a new header for this blog so tell me if you like 😀
I’ll be doing alot of editing work sooo keep checking back! 🙂
