Hey! Xxpinkiixx here(:

Hi! I’m Pinky, I’m a new author to this site! Well, like all the other authors i will be posting parties, videos, contests, and much more!

So keep an eye out!! Here’s some stuff about me! Im friendly, kind, and cool ;]!  Well enjoy this blog ! Byee !

PiNKY x3

Party got cancelled :'(

Hey guys…

I really feel bad about myself… I wasn’t able to come to the party because  some stuff got changed…

Anyway I do apologise about not being able to come to the party I might move it to another date… besides, most of you were probably off to trick or treating anyways…

I hope that we can hold the halloween party at another date (:

Comment when you think the best time, server and place should be… I’m not sure about where you guys live so some of you might not be able to come…

~ Clubdigger ~

Oh btw, the next poll should be tomorrow, the results will be coming. Keep voting which you think is the cutest names! (Names were made by our author, Parksouth123)




I know this is my second day on the job.. XD, haha, well, it is!
I wanted to update real fast, I’ll be posting everyday!
🙂 Mostly CP hints and tricks.

Toodles! 😀



I forgot to say Happy Halloween!
Be safe everyone!

Hi! I’m Berry!

Hi guys! I’ve recently become an author on this wordpress!
Its really cool, I think!~
🙂 I’m new to this site, still working out on it.

I’ll get the hang of it!
Anyways, check out my videos, and all my fellow authors vids!
bye guys!!