Halloween Party !!

Hey guys,

Looks like the anniversary party extended after all. It ended this afternoon (UK time), so it was 2 1/2 days. I hope you all managed to find the hats. Pretty sneaky.

But that’s not what the post is about… here is what it’s about…

As a surprise, the halloween party had started early a day before it was supposed to be. There are two member rooms and there are two free items – The pumpkin antennas and the pumpkin background.

“I was surprised about how many new halloween costumes were out today. Some items came back, and the new ones look really freeky”

Yes, that is true. There are some more halloween costumes only available to members, and yes, some items have returned. e.g, bunny shoes. 

“How come that for most parties that club penguin repeat, they always do the same things for the rooms like the other parties?”

That is what I was wondering as well. How many parties from this year have they copied from the previous years? Haven’t you noticed? Well… here is what I think.

My opinion – “Possibly, they can’t think of any more ideas. A fact for you all, Club Penguin always do a party at least once every month. Next year, try figure if they do a party once every month?”

I managed to take a snapshot of some of this year’s halloween party. Tell us what you think!


For all you penguins who were there at the last halloween party, notice something similar about this image?

Also, I managed to ask one of our authors (Parksouth123) what he thought about this year’s halloween party and this was what he said.

“The halloween party was the same as last year. I don’t like the items since some old items I had before had returned.”

Some people may be thinking the same thing. This can be a negativity about parties that occur on Club Penguin.

But what do YOU think about the halloween party? Why don’t you comment and tell us what you think?

Note : If some of you are wondering where the free items are then here are the images. (Non members can only get one free item, members can get two – members restriction ONLY)



I hope that these pictures helped! (If you have ideas for parties, comment your penguin name and e-mail adress and we can mail club penguin for you!)

Enjoy the party!

~ Clubdigger ~