

Halloween is the BEST occasion EVER! Scary movies, trick or treating, hanging with friends & so much more 🙂 My best bit about Halloween is going trick or treating with friends and having a laugh. “You knock on the door” “No you” “you” LOL :D. And Club Penguin just realised the new Halloween Gift Shop catalog 🙂 Not many people are happy about it because it has the wand back, black mask, etc. If you want to see the new catalog and cheats just visit this link – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JjNha52cik One freaky movie that I saw a few months ago was The Descent. Its never out of my head :S. Its very scary [ 18 + ]. I never watched a scary movie since 😛 not planning to either.

So Halloween is about ghosts & all those skeletons where you decorate your house with :O Oh and candy at the front door for trick or treaters :3 Might go as a witch this year.. I didnt go last year. But your probably thinking witches? Because nearly EVERYONE is a witch. I agree, boring. But if I was one of those super clothes designers, I’d wear something totally different :D. I was a cat a few years ago :S. My dads road is so quite that 2 years ago, when I spent Halloween with him, NO ONE knocked what so ever. So I just ate the sweets 😀

Kay thats all 🙂 Buh Bye !

*Used to edit image up above: Photoshop Elements 7*