Hey! Xxpinkiixx here(:

Hi! I’m Pinky, I’m a new author to this site! Well, like all the other authors i will be posting parties, videos, contests, and much more!

So keep an eye out!! Here’s some stuff about me! Im friendly, kind, and cool ;]!  Well enjoy this blog ! Byee !

PiNKY x3

Party got cancelled :'(

Hey guys…

I really feel bad about myself… I wasn’t able to come to the party because  some stuff got changed…

Anyway I do apologise about not being able to come to the party I might move it to another date… besides, most of you were probably off to trick or treating anyways…

I hope that we can hold the halloween party at another date (:

Comment when you think the best time, server and place should be… I’m not sure about where you guys live so some of you might not be able to come…

~ Clubdigger ~

Oh btw, the next poll should be tomorrow, the results will be coming. Keep voting which you think is the cutest names! (Names were made by our author, Parksouth123)




I know this is my second day on the job.. XD, haha, well, it is!
I wanted to update real fast, I’ll be posting everyday!
🙂 Mostly CP hints and tricks.

Toodles! 😀



I forgot to say Happy Halloween!
Be safe everyone!

Hi! I’m Berry!

Hi guys! I’ve recently become an author on this wordpress!
Its really cool, I think!~
🙂 I’m new to this site, still working out on it.

I’ll get the hang of it!
Anyways, check out my videos, and all my fellow authors vids!
bye guys!!

>> Halloween Party Reminder <<

Hey guys,

I really want to hold a halloween party and some of my friends said it would be a great idea, so please can you come if possible? Here is the information to remind you –

Saturday 31st October 2009
Server : Blizzard
Place : Iceberg
Time : 9:00am PST Time

It’s a bit of a shame that I can’t go trick or treating this year, but It’ll be fun!! 😀 I forgot to mention we can have costume shows, play minigames and all sorts of fun!! Party lasts for an hour. =P

Please do come… for me? xD

                                                   >> Diggster <<

A Special Note From Limer;]

HEllo! “D

I’m a new author to this site, thanks to Dig. :[]

Well basically I’ma do exactly what Zip said




Below….. (post video, parties, whatever I can :P)


here’s one of my videos I made 10/29


Hi there ! :D <3

Well HI! 😀 HAHA, I’m a new author.. to this site! I’ve been an author before on Heatblast227’s blog, long story, short. [: So I’ll just tell you a little bit about me 🙂 I’m friendly, nice, I laugh a lot, and smile a lot! I’m blonde haired and blue eyed, and I LOVE to have fun! So I’ll be posting Club Penguin updates, parties, videos (CPMV’S), contests, polls, & more! 🙂 I’ll try to keep you as most in the loop as possible. HEHE IN THE LOOP(: First off I’d like to tell you to PLEASE call me Zip, not Club or Clubzipper xD I hate those names. So lets hope there will be some more new authors on “Clubdigger” soon! 😛 *Btw I’ll post again tomarrow* (:


HaLlOwEeN pArTy 2009

Hey guys !!

It’s the Halloween Party on Club Penguin, and October is ending soon, so I decided to maybe hold a halloween party!!!

It may not be a good idea since hardly anyone ever comes to my parties… but I want to have a shot!  It would be good if some “well known people” were able to come as well.  😀

Halloween is one of the best parties on Club Penguin, and I normally tend to do photos for these kinds of stuff.

This party WILL be recorded onto YouTube. There will also be an official Dig TV Halloween episode dedicated to “Pengi606” for his Halloween video contest!

Here is the information for the spooktacular halloween party !!

Saturday 31st October 2009
Server : Blizzard
Place : Iceberg
Time : 9:00am PST Time

There will be halloween fashion shows, minigames and all sorts of exciting events! It’s an event that you won’t want to miss out on!

Make sure you tell your friends about this memorable event, since it might NOT take place again next year.

Comment to say if you’re coming oe not! It would be fantastic if you were coming!!

(The club penguin authors might also be appearing to the party, and also some VIP guests e.g. Regalrosebud.)


Make sure you remember the time!! (Go to the Snow Forts if you are unsure about what time it is) 

Club Penguin time is American time.

We hope to see you there!!

~ Clubdigger ~

Voting time!

Hey guys!!

I felt a little bored so I decided to make this random poll. Answer what you think.

They may be a little silly, but have fun! There may be more polls in the future if they are a success!

Clubdigger  x

NOTE : The poll should be on the right hand of the blog. (The poll will be updated every week)

Halloween Party !!

Hey guys,

Looks like the anniversary party extended after all. It ended this afternoon (UK time), so it was 2 1/2 days. I hope you all managed to find the hats. Pretty sneaky.

But that’s not what the post is about… here is what it’s about…

As a surprise, the halloween party had started early a day before it was supposed to be. There are two member rooms and there are two free items – The pumpkin antennas and the pumpkin background.

“I was surprised about how many new halloween costumes were out today. Some items came back, and the new ones look really freeky”

Yes, that is true. There are some more halloween costumes only available to members, and yes, some items have returned. e.g, bunny shoes. 

“How come that for most parties that club penguin repeat, they always do the same things for the rooms like the other parties?”

That is what I was wondering as well. How many parties from this year have they copied from the previous years? Haven’t you noticed? Well… here is what I think.

My opinion – “Possibly, they can’t think of any more ideas. A fact for you all, Club Penguin always do a party at least once every month. Next year, try figure if they do a party once every month?”

I managed to take a snapshot of some of this year’s halloween party. Tell us what you think!


For all you penguins who were there at the last halloween party, notice something similar about this image?

Also, I managed to ask one of our authors (Parksouth123) what he thought about this year’s halloween party and this was what he said.

“The halloween party was the same as last year. I don’t like the items since some old items I had before had returned.”

Some people may be thinking the same thing. This can be a negativity about parties that occur on Club Penguin.

But what do YOU think about the halloween party? Why don’t you comment and tell us what you think?

Note : If some of you are wondering where the free items are then here are the images. (Non members can only get one free item, members can get two – members restriction ONLY)



I hope that these pictures helped! (If you have ideas for parties, comment your penguin name and e-mail adress and we can mail club penguin for you!)

Enjoy the party!

~ Clubdigger ~