Construction is almost finished!

Hey guys!

Guess what?! The construction is almost finished!

What have I accomplished today?

I managed to successfully have our Dig Tv image up and there’s a Dig Tv blog linked to it! Click the image and you’ll go straight to it.

I also swapped things around. You can no longer see what posts the authors have done, but I’m sure that they will say their names after they’ve posted something.

The construction should be finished either tonight or tomorrow. Feel free to give your ideas and if you want to be an author, please tell me.


Also, the posts about the construction will be deleted after the construction has been finished, so please be aware of what’s happening.

Waddle On!

Posted by Dig

Constructing .

The blog needs to be worked on for a bit more.

Once the blog has been made we will say on the official blog. It might look a little dull but it’s only been around for 2 or 3 days. We’ve already been getting some blog hits already ! Let’s keep it up !

I hope that this blog will be better than the other one.

If you have any ideas for the blog, feel free to leave a comment.

Waddle On!

Posted by Dig

The Blog Is Finally Updated !

Hello guys !

I have finally finished constructing this blog. There is a new icon, and soon there will be loads of different authors posting different stuff, so check it out!

Also, there is a new september igloo catalog for 2009 !


What do you think of the furniture items? Ready to start your own college? Tell us what you think!

Waddle On!

Posted by Dig.

The New Official Blog .

Hey guys.

I decided to make a new blog.  I thought that my last one was silly. I hope that this blog will be better than the last. Tell me what you think I should do to improve it. If you would like to be an author tell me and I can give you the pass. Feel free to ask me any questions. I can always answer them on the blog. Club Penguin news & more. There might even be Dig Tv again!! If we have enough people saying they want it, then it will come. Also give your ideas about Club Penguin, and I can always message them about what you want. Here is one of the authors of the blog already –


We can’t wait to hear your ideas !! We hope that together we can make this blog really good.

Waddle On!                                                                                                                           

Posted By Dig